Showing posts with label yellow mushroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow mushroom. Show all posts


How to remove yellow mushrooms that suddenly appeared in plant pots

In order to improve the atmosphere and air of the house, the trend is to put plant pots in the house and it is called 'green interior'.

Pots are not completely sanitized products such as soil, fertilizers, etc., so when you put them into the house, there are things that we do not know inside pots. And it leads to unexpected pests, weeds and mushrooms in plant pots.

Among them, let's take a look at 'yellow primrose/horn mushroom (plantpot dapperling, Leucocoprinus birnbaumii)' which is a common mushroom in the house.

The yellow color of the mushroom is very pretty and cute, but the mushroom's spores is poisonous, and can harm the plant.

yellow mushroom in the pot

Yellow mushroom, where are you from?

Mushrooms are usually spread in pots through two routes.
The first is when spores come in through soil or fertilizer.
Second, spores can reach through a shovel, clothes or in the air. So ​​it's a good idea to get rid of potted mushrooms quickly before spreading spores.

yellow mushroom in the plant pot
Damn, the yellow is even beautiful!

How to remove mushrooms in pots

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to completely remove the mushrooms from the plant pots once they started to grow. As we know, mushrooms grow through hyphae, so even if you remove them, they can grow again at any time if the growth condition is correct.

This is why it is important to use fully sterilized soil of the plant pot when you plant.

Anyway let's see how you can get rid of mushrooms in the plant pot.

1. Remove the mushroom that you can see

First, when the mushrooms grow up, the spores from pileus will travel to everywhere they can reach though the air. So you need to quickly remove the mushroom and soil near the mushroom before the mushrooms spread to other plant pots.
Observe the plnat pots every day and remove the mushrooms.

Remove the mushroom that you can see
Remove the yellow mushroom like this(with soil)

2. Change the whole soil in the plant pot.

In fact, removing mushroom such as above method is temporary. To remove the mushrooms, it is good to replace the whole soil of the plant pot. And it is important to remove soil from the roots of plants. It is also good method to soak roots in clean water.

3. Using a Mold / Mushroom Remover

It is said that mushrooms and fungi are almost identical. So if you use a mushroom / fungal remover where the mushroom is grown, you can see the effect. But be careful, it can harm the plant so before try, must see the detail of the remover.

4. Changing the environment

This is one of the easiest, surest and hardest ways. You can eliminate the environment where mushrooms grow by change location of the plant, light and air flow. If you remove the warm and humid environment, the mushroom spores will not grow. Also sunlight can kill the mushrooms and spores.

A good combination of the above methods will effectively remove the mushrooms in the pot. But it is very difficult to get rid of all the spores already spread around the pots, and if there is anything coming from outside (fertilizer, air, water, etc.), there is always the possibility of mushrooms growing again.

One hope, though, is that most mushrooms that grow in plant pots do not harm plants. If you don't eat it, there's no harm to person.

But if you raise young children or animals at home, they can touch or eat it because of curiosity. So even though the mushrooms are harmless, it would be better remove them as soon as possible.