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Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts


[DIY]Daesung Celtic Gas Boiler Room Controller Replacement

[DIY]Daesung Celtic Gas Boiler Room Controller Replacement


Daesung Celtic Gas Boiler is one of the products of the Korean boiler manufactures.
Its temperature controller(room controller) has two kind: Ondol type and Air temperature type.

What is Ondol?
Ondol is traditional Korean heating method that heat the floor and then the heated floor will increase air temperature also like a convection type heater. Actually Korean style boiler is basically following this method. But to control the temperature, there are two ways as the room controller is.

So, about room controller of Daesung Celtic Boiler. Ondol type room controller controls water temperature outputting from boiler. And Air temperature type room controller is checking room air temperature to maintain the air temperature.

And for me, it is not easy to use Ondol type room controller because I have not used and also it is kind of old. So I decided to replace the old one to the new one which has Air temperature controlling function.

My old room controller was 'DSR-110'. And I looked for compatible models to replace by asking its customer center.

Here's the list of the models below.

DSR-100 (not available)
DSR-120(not available), DSR-120B (not available, Back-light)
DSR-130 (not available)
DR-100 (Available, about 50,000 Won)

Not-available models are selling on second-handed shop.
BUT according to the sales policy of Daesung Celtic, it is not possible to sell 'new' room controller on the internet. So I had to go to the official dealer to buy the room controller(DR-100).

The picture below is the old one. It was very uncomfortable for me.



I bought the DR-100. Very simple.

DR-100, Room Controller

To replace the old one, push it up to separate from the bracket that attached on the wall.

Then you can see two electric wires.

And just cut the wires carefully, be careful not to close the wires.

There are not + and -, it uses AC. Connect the wires to the controller like the picture below.

After the connecting job, check it out if it works right. Then join with the bracket.

This model:DR-100 supports two mode(Ondol and air-temperature). And you can change the mode simply by following the video below.

Link for Korean Version of the Post: [DIY]대성쎌틱 보일러 온도조절기(룸컨트롤러) 교체하기