Showing posts with label Korean language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean language. Show all posts


[Learning Korean]Emotion Pub? gamseongjujeom?

[Learning Korean]Emotion Pub? gamseongjujeom?

Gamseongjujeom(감성주점) is one of the hottest words in South Korea now, because of COVID19. As many young people go to there and do close-contact each other, that behavior causes COVID19 spread.

And then what is Gamseongjujeom?

Gamseong literally means emotion and Jujeom is where alcoholic drinks are sold like a pub. But the meaning from the words is twisted and changed with other meaning.

GamseongJujeom can be defined like below
In the form of a pub where young people, such as mainly early 20s, go , it is similar to a regular pub, but with music and stage that can be danced, dance between tables if there is no space to dance. This is a pub that can be used as an intermediate form between a club and a general pub and they usually go there to find a new partner.

[Learning Korean]Emotion Pub? gamseongjujeom?

GamseongJujeom, what is the difference from a general pub?
According to Korean Law(ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF THE FOOD SANITATION ACT), the food service business can be divided into six categories.
Food service business:
(a) Rest restaurant business: Business of cooking and selling mainly tea, ice cream, etc., or cooking and selling foods in fast food stores or snack bars, where drinking is not allowed: Provided, That the same shall not apply where water is poured into instant cup noodle, instant tea or other foods in the places which sell foods such as convenience stores, supermarkets and rest areas
(b) General restaurant business: Business of cooking and selling foods, where drinking accompanied with meals is allowed;
(c) Karaoke bar business: Business of cooking and selling mainly alcoholic beverages, where customers are allowed to sing;
(d) Entertainment bar business: Business of cooking and selling mainly alcoholic beverages, where workers engaged in entertainment may be employed or entertainment facilities may be established, and customers may sing or dance;
(e) Catering service business: Business of cooking and providing foods in facilities providing meals, in accordance with a contract concluded with persons who establish and operate facilities providing meals;
(f) Bakery business: Business of manufacturing and selling mainly bread, rice cake, snacks, etc., where drinking is not allowed.

In South Korea, a pub is usually a General restaurant business but in a nutshell, a pub with dance is a Entertainment bar business. And the businesses are subjected to different tax rate.


Learn Real Korean Slang

Learn Real Korean Slang for 인싸, 아싸, 존맛탱, 뇌피셜, 현타

As English has lots of slang, Korean also has lots and as a language, the slang are appeared and disappeared.

So I introduce recent Korean slangs.

1. 인싸(inssa), 아싸(assa)

인싸(in-ssa) is short for 'insider'. The insider means a person who is fashionable, extrovert, friendly. Simply it isn't the person like an outsider.
아싸(a-ssa) is the abbreviation of an outsider. As English dictionary says an outsider is a person who does not belong to a particular group.

And you can see or hear 핵인싸(hack in-ssa). 핵인싸(hack in-ssa) is 핵(hack) + 인싸(in-ssa). 핵(hack) means nuclear. It intends to give a word behind very strong feeling. And the feeling can be positive and negative. It's like 'as fuck'.

So 핵인싸(hack in-ssa) means very great 인싸(in-ssa).

And other use of 핵(hack) is 핵노잼(hack no-jam). 노잼(no-jam) means 'no funny', so 핵노잼(hack no-jam) means 'no funny as fuck'.

2. 존맛탱(jonmastaeng, jon-mat-taeng) or JMT

존맛탱 is kind of a shortened words but I'm not sure where it is from. Anyway, it means 'this is really taste as fuck'.

3. 뇌피셜(noepisyeol)

뇌피셜(neo-pi-syeol) has the meaning of official fact by someone-self. What it means that someone says something that he/she thinks the something is true and logical, but the thought is only from his/her brain. 뇌(neo) from 뇌피셜(noepisyeol) is a brain and 피셜(pi-syeol) means 'official'.

4. 현타(hyeonta), 현자 타임(hyeonja time)

현타(hyeonta) is an abbreviation of 현자 타임(hyeonja time). 현자(Hyeonja) means a wise man(sage), so if someone says 'I have 현자 타임(hyeonja time) or 현타(hyeonta).', it means like I'm like a wise man for now. And this expression comes from kind of sexual activities such as masturbation and being after sexual intercourse. When right after having sex, people usually have feeling or mood of calm or relaxed. So with that mood people may make a good decision like a wise man who is always calm and relaxed.
So when you have the urge of buying something that you cannot afford, and then you realize your situation and give up buying. That moment of the realization is called 현자타임.